"Natural fear of failure drives every entrepreneur" Rainer Becker, CoFounder of ZUMA & ROKA

Show notes

This week with Rainer Becker, CoFounder of ZUMA (https://zumarestaurant.com/), as well as ROKA (https://www.rokarestaurant.com/) and other successful restaurant brands (https://azumirestaurants.com/)

Rainer grew up in the charming small town of Bernkastel Kues in Germany, a winegrowing centre of the Mosel area. Rainer is known for uncompromising attention to detail and infectious enthusiasm which ultimately steered his career to where it is today. He worked in Europe, Australia and Japan before he started ZUMA in London in 2002. Today he operates more than 30 outstanding restaurants across the world.

Rainer talks with us about his “Schwellenangst” to enter his home country Germany for the first time after more than two decades.

Our main learnings from this conversation are:

Natural fear of failure drives every entrepreneur. Stage fever is healthy to avoid becoming sloppy & cocky You never know till you open the restaurant door the first time. Adrenaline keeps you going. Failures bring you back to basic. Understand the culture. Don’t try to change it, make the best out for you . Open you mind. Kill your ego. You cannot start a successful business with an ego. Be honest to yourself. After bad things good things happen. Keep it simple. Don’t overthink

In this episode Rainer shares with us his painful & expensive learnings and why it took him so long to bring ZUMA to Germany. Tune in and listen to a great chef and entrepreneur sharing his story.


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Recorded on 26th March via Zoom in London, UK (Rainer Becker) – Bandarawella, Sri Lanka (Mario C. Bauer) – Hamburg, Germany (Florian Schneider)

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