“We have spent our entire life learning to be unhappy” - Dr. Srikumar Rao - The Rao Institute

Show notes

From Doubt to Drive - Entrepreneurs Only.

This week with Dr. Srikumar Rao, founder and.head of the Rao Institute (www.theraoinstitute.com), former business school professor, executive coach and TED Talk Speaker https://www.ted.com/talks/srikumar_rao_plug_into_your_hard_wired_happiness , who helped thousands of entrepreneurs to achieve “quantum leaps of effectiveness, resilience and happiness”. He supports leaders around the globe transform their lives so that they can experience abundant joy, no matter what comes their way.

Having said that, we took the chance with Dr. Rao to look back on more than 20 episodes and try to find out what successful entrepreneurs might do different, how to succeed in times of doubts, and how life unfolds when setting the right goals.

The main learnings from this conversation are:

  • Happiness is the by-product of how you live your life, it’s your birth right
  • Act as if you had control
  • Observe the inner dialogue and see how it goes on
  • The importance of the goal is that it establishes direction.
  • Let it happen, don’t try to make it happen
  • Suffering begins when you label it as: “this is horrible”
  • Think of your awareness like a flashlight

Tune in and listen to Dr. Rao’s view on life and leadership.

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© From Doubt to Drive Podcast, owned and operated by Aperitivo International B.V Recorded on June 27, 2024 via Zoom in New York, USA (Dr. Srikumar Rao) Bandarawella, Sri Lanka (Mario C. Bauer) – Hamburg, Germany (Florian Schneider),

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