“Mistakes shape you in life” - Tom Barton, Co-Founder of “Honest Burger”

Show notes

From Doubt to Drive - Entrepreneurs Only.

This week with Tom Barton, Co-Founder of Honest Burger (www.honestburgers.co.uk)

Tom Barton founded Honest Burger together with Philip Eeles right after finishing university. They aimed to make Britain’s best burgers and chips, and therefore they even started their own butchery. Today, the brand counts 40 stores, 900 staff and keeps growing. Tom is an entrepreneur by heart, and he shares his ups and downs with brutal openness and honesty.

In this episode, Tom tells us why a good restaurant is like a family, what he means by talking about the arrogance of youth, and how he overcame the most difficult time in his career.

The main learnings from this conversation are:

  1. Mistakes shape you in life. It’s only a mistake if you make it twice
  2. Discipline is kindness to yourself
  3. Don’t let lawyers do the talking, do it yourself
  4. Confidence breeds confidence
  5. Look after yourself and you will be better in anything
  6. Find yourself a good partner, but don’t take your best friend

Tune in and listen to a founder and entrepreneur whose credo is “just being honest”. And believe us, he truly is!

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We interviewed Tom already some years ago for our out show “Teddy talks with …” – here you can see the recording of this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkw6JN1GlNU

© From Doubt to Drive Podcast, owned and operated by Aperitivo International B.V Recorded on April 8, 2024 via Zoom in London, UK (Tom Barton) – Bandarawella, Sri Lanka (Mario C. Bauer) – Amsterdam, Netherlands (Florian Schneider)

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