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Welcome to our podcast, "From Doubt to Drive: Entrepreneurs Only." Mario C. Bauer and Florian Schneider have known each other for many years. They have built and grown businesses together, but they have also experienced failure and struggle. This podcast aims to open a door to entrepreneurs and leaders who feel stuck, who experience moments of doubt—not only in their business decisions but also in their personal abilities as leaders.

While there are numerous business podcasts where entrepreneurs share stories of success and portray everything as great, Mario and Florian are interested in delving deeper. They want to explore the dark and doubtful moments that founders and leaders have experienced, asking them about failure and difficult situations. Because we've all faced such challenges and will likely face them again. This podcast aims to share experiences to help and support others who may be going through tough times now or in the future.

Doubt is a natural part of both our personal and business lives. Overcoming doubt can inject new spirit and drive. That's what Mario and Florian aim to uncover from their guests

Find out more: https://www.fromdoubttodrive.com

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